Whence Stalin's popularity?

ChrisD(RJ) chrisd at russiajournal.com
Thu Mar 6 07:33:40 PST 2003

I notice that political analyst Markov goes to great lengths to ascribe this "Stalin nostalgia" to patriotism, desire for a better history, national pride, the 'unscrupulousness of modern politicians', the desire for 'independent policies' - anything at all EXCEPT a hatred of capitalism and a preference for socialism. The words 'socialism' and 'communism' and their derivatives and synonyms are completely absent from Markov's musings.

LP -- Many people in Moscow will tell you the USSR was much better than modern Russia -- and I don't just mean poor people or the working class, I mean people who own businesses like the Armenian who runs a bar I hang out at -- but they are usually not in favor of returning to the old system (they are usually social democrats, though they may not have articulated their thoughts). Old people, who both grew up in the Stalin era and are suffering very badly now, usually want it back. Most people will tell you that "communism," "capitalism" and "democracy" are just words.

Everybody hates Gorbachev though.They guy really was an incredible loser.

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