>That's always true, Luke. Since the future is unwritten, it always
>remains to be seen. Therefore that statement is unhelpful and no
>answer to anything. It was predictable -- I and others predicted
>(not quite accurately in detail, but accurate enough) -- that the
>collapse of central authority in the FSU would be disaster for the
>people of the FSU and the world. Actually when I predicted it it the
>SU wasn't F yet. It was obvious that the economy would be dismantled
>and looted by predators, that the leadership was following a
>disaterous Sachisna policy designed to impversih the nation, and
>that the US and the West had no good intentions towards the FSU.
>Moreover the collapse of the other superpower has destroyed the
>space left to small nations to maneouver and invested the US with
>power to engage ina lmsot unlimited imperialism. In short, the
>collapse of the USSR was a total disaster, and it was inevitable
>that it would be such. (The end of Stalinism, that's another story.)
This is why you're not really a liberal. You get a bit of a crossdressing thrill out of donning the label though, don't you?