----- Original Message ----- From: "Alexandre Fenelon" <afenelon at zaz.com.br> -Maybe generalized proliferation would be better because: 1-Nuclear weapons cannot be "uninvented", so, countries who have technology to build them can easily rebuild them if threatened. Disarmament so is a utopia unless new technologies make nuclear weapons obsolete. 2-When two states have nuclear weapons, both of them know that they can´t win a war against the other, so there is no advantege in starting a war in which defeat (or a devastating stalemate) is almost certain. This probably prevented the cold war to become hot. -And of course, the US agression war against a essentially disarmed country -will no doubt trigger a new nuclear waepons race. It´s almost certain Iran -will pursue nuclear technology, as almost any country who wants to avoid -being threatened by US imperialism.
Alexandre Fenelon
A smart institutionalization of capital controls in lieu of nukes might be just as effective and cheaper too.........Corporate capital 'based' in the USA is far more interested in acquiring-sharing the profit centers of other territories than conquering-occupying them.......