Which is the threat to world peace -- Bush, or WWP + North Korea? I would venture to say that most folks in the world would say that the former is the threat. If North Korea ever pursued an aggressive warmongering policy, it would be South Korea that would be the most vulnerable, but South Koreans, defying the wish of the Bush regime, elected Roh Moo-hyun (in the midst of a "nuclear crisis" no less), showing their determination to continue the Sunshine Policy and their desire to reunite the divided Korea one day. Today, the main confrontation is North Korea + liberal and left-wing South Koreans versus the Bush Regime + old-fashioned anticommunist South Koreans.
At 6:15 PM -0500 3/10/03, Nathan Newman wrote:
>Which is why the WWP "global class war" bullshit rhetoric is such a
>loser for the movement.
At every protest in the USA that I have been to, those who were shouting "No War but Class War" were either anarchists or Spartacists. Brian Becker, Sara Flounders, and others who are members of either ANSWER or IAC whom I assume to be also WWP members know how to keep to the left edge of the possible on the US political spectrum. They sound calm and well spoken, when I hear them speak to the media or from the podiums, quite unlike hysterical red-baiters like David Corn on _The O'Reilly Factor_. Remember that WWP folks are Leninists, whom we expect to have read and know by heart _Left-Wing Communism: An Infantile Disorder_. :-> -- Yoshie
* Calendar of Events in Columbus: <http://www.osu.edu/students/sif/calendar.html> * Student International Forum: <http://www.osu.edu/students/sif/> * Committee for Justice in Palestine: <http://www.osudivest.org/> * Al-Awda-Ohio: <http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Al-Awda-Ohio> * Solidarity: <http://solidarity.igc.org/>