Fwd: Kevin Sites_CNN Irak_

suzume at mx82.tiki.ne.jp suzume at mx82.tiki.ne.jp
Sun Mar 16 15:23:17 PST 2003

from a tokyo based journalist.

point 2) is about possible martial law in the us ?

> 1) un ultimatum sera annonce par g w bush apres les acores,
> 2) on parle aussi (mais j’y crois pas encore) d’imposition d’un etat
> martial a venir aux usa, exige hier par le pere de bush au congres us,
> dixit un copain de tampa, florida.
> penses-tu pouvoir mettre cette m
> ésaventure de Kevin Sites (cnn) survenue le 10 mars sur la la liste ou
> la filer a doug ou quelqu’un d’autres ?
> les blog modifient donc la couverture des evenements en irak ou
> ailleurs, ce sera le basculement comme au viet-nam
> l’encadrement militaire yankee des medias internationaux est
> definitivement negatif. tiens moi au courant.
> joel
> Monday, March 10, 2003
> Kevin Sites CNN reporting in Iraq
> Ring Tones & Screen Savers 
> http://www.kevinsites.net/
> CUT… debut du texte
>  “…The Kuwaiti press officer stands by another field officer as I
> interview him. He interrupts every second question, even very
> innocuous ones. I end the interview in frustration. Then I attempt to
> speak with the U.S. Special Forces advisors. They agree as long as I
> don't show their faces. The press officer stops me, "You're here to
> show gulf forces," he tells me, "this story is about gulf forces.
> “Please don't tell me what my story is about," I say, "It will be
> about what I report not you."
> "You can interview them when you make your own arrangements to get
> here," he tells me, "this is about gulf forces." We go back and forth
> like this for a few minutes-until he says fine, cover what you want,
> but CNN will not be invited on any more trips. I want to tell my
> partner Bill to stop shooting. I want to go back and sit in the
> chopper without taking another frame of video. It's a bluff. He needs
> this story more than I do. But you never know when you're going to
> need access, never know who can actually get you there. I take a
> breath.
> "I'm sorry," I say, extending my hand to the press officer, "I was
> overstepping my bounds." We shake and make good. At the end of the day
> he shakes my hand again, tells me I'm a professional. Yes, we're both
> professional I think, and neither of us has a story.
> End Kevin 2:10 AM

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