Seventy Percent

Wojtek Sokolowski sokol at
Tue Mar 18 15:37:25 PST 2003


> others, allowing them to assume you just don't know what
> white trash means.

I never said I do not know what white trash means. I said that it was not the best choice of word to describe the phenomenon I was talking about.

As to the chances one had or did not have - I came to this country with a suitcase and a $100 in my pocket which I received from a charitable organization that sponsored my trip, and not speaking a work of English. Today I work for one of the most prestigious universities, and support my wife's kids she had with - let's face it, a two-bit prick who used to beat her up when they were married and now lives with his mother and cannot even take his kids for vacation. I also support another specimen from that fine white American stock - a twentysomething year old high school dropout who spends whole days playing video games and would be homeless had not my wife decided to "give him a second chance," enroll him in a GED program (which he does not care to attend) and let him stay in her basement.

Am I supposed to feel compassion for this bunch of ... errr fine American white men who do not lift their fat asses form a couch in front of tee-vee, cannot pay their bills or find their own state on a map, and bitch that foreigners take their women, affirmative action takes their jobs, and Iraq threatens their lifestyle?


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