Ian Murray wrote:
> That's why his email address was on the end of his
> essay........................
> j.freedland at guardian.co.uk
> Calm down, collect your thoughts and communicate with him..........
I probably will later. But decade after decade of the same lies endlessly repeated about the anti-war movement of the '60s wears one down. It seems that even large numbers of leftists today take their image of the anti-war struggle of the '60s from Time, Spiro Agnew & Bob Greene. This popular image of the '60s is _exactly_ the same sort of bullshit that I understand is already being spread about Rachel Corrie.
If U.S. troops massacre a whole village in Vietnam, that is an aberration.
If one anti-war protester makes a fool of him/herself someplace, that is _The Movement_.
And note that Freedlund did imply that "the movement" (not just a few strays) so treated returning veterans. It is incidentally quite probable that the whole thing is an urban legend -- that it didn't happen even one single time.
> Ian
P.S. I do understand that in some American Legion posts returning Vets were mocked as "losers."