Support the Troops reduxe...

Chuck Grimes cgrimes at
Sat Mar 22 17:09:22 PST 2003

But, you're hoping for high iraqi casualties because of potential long-term political benefits? Steve McGraw


That's the dilemma isn't? Either the US scores a clean conquest and there are fewer Iraqi casualties, or with they mount a resistance to the invasion seeking a potential quagmire. They take greater casualties, national and international protest rises to a roar.

In the first case Bush and the domestic Right are vindicated, the Empire wins, the international and domestic liberal and left are discredited for the next decade. In the second case, the Iraqis resist, make the invasion a mess, take big losses and the Empire is demonstrated to be the vicious hegmonic pig it is. Then the Right looses its creditability as an Empire of the Good, has no moral center and its domestic power is slowly eroded.

What other choices are there?


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