Puking for Peace

Kevin Robert Dean qualiall at union.org.za
Mon Mar 24 07:41:57 PST 2003

About 20 young people calling themselves Pukers4Peace emptied the plaza in front of the Federal Building with a street performance -- of induced vomiting. "Militarism makes me sick," said Don Abbott, a Contra Costa College journalism student who headed the group. "Puking is the most disgusting display of emotion that is still legal. We've gotten flack from other protesters, but we are past trying to appeal to people's sensibilities."

The group splattered its message between 7 and 10 a.m., but pools of vomit still covered much of the plaza at mid-afternoon. Everyone who came within yards reeled away, fingers on noses.

"My puddle is the longest-lasting one," proudly declared Lauren Errea, a UC- Berkeley student.

Full: http://sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2003/03/21/MN106172.DTL --- Sent from UnionMail Service [http://mail.union.org.za]

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