Ayn Rand

joanna bujes joanna.bujes at sun.com
Wed Mar 26 11:02:43 PST 2003

At 06:16 PM 03/25/2003 -0500, you wrote:
>We could all e-mail him and complain that he's supporting an altruistic
>war to
>liberate the Iraqis and has become an immoral Kantian. Compare him to Kip
>Chalmers. Warn him that Ragnar Danneskjold will bust in and steal his gold
>for this. That'll get his goat.

Good one:) Has anyone noticed how basically stupid the Randites are? I mean mental age of 11 seems to be where they get stuck. (Perhaps that's why they worship "genius.") They don't even realize that this war is going to be a disaster economically; they don't even realize that their OWN INTERESTS are going to be hurt.


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