From "Plain Sailing" to "Where the Hell Are We?" to "Up the Creek"

Michael Pugliese debsian at
Thu Mar 27 12:49:36 PST 2003

Cockburn in Counterpunch...>Re-run glefully in LSN...

LSN is the news-service of loon, Bill White, from the 'burbs in Bethesda, Maryland. LSN can be found at htp:// where I just confirmed a moment ago that the LSN ("Libertarian Socialist News.") Alex was referring to, was the same one I, immediately thought of. Bill's politics are friendly to the neo-fascist National Alliance, he was in 2000, on the central committee of the Buchananite Reform Party of Maryland, until he was thrown off by their chair.

Several years ago, on Counterpunch, a free-lancer who had previously written for the defunct NYC alternative rag, The Eye, quoted respectfully, Bill White, in a story. Within a few hours, Jeffery St. Clair, had told me that inadequate vetting/fact-checking had occurred and Bill White was never going to be used as a source again. Michael Pugliese, with a new DSL line that has almost never up and running, since installation on the 17th. Harumph.

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