Mar 27, 2003
Students for Peace and Social Justice is a newly formed group in the College of Environmental Design at the University of California, Berkeley. We have drafted a statement about the bombing in Iraq that draws on our professional and justice-oriented concerns and have created website for this statement and fact sheets. Already collaborating with professionals and students across the country, we hope that you will join on as well. Here is what you can do:
1. Sign on to our Statement of Conscience.
Read our draft statement and join the effort as an organization or an individual (student, faculty, professional, activist). Go to: ( rs.html)
2. Apply your research skills to help us create fact sheets:
Help put together a fact sheet about the history of Iraq in relation to the current situation in the context of your professional concerns. If you don't have the time to organize a whole fact sheet, you can contribute by sending pertinent information on a topic to Annie at adecker at
The 6 fact sheets:
*1. Physical infrastructure: sanitation; electricity; water supply; short- and long-term housing; refugee needs; transportation systems
*2. Social infrastructure: community and public institutions (schools, libraries, courts, parks, hospitals, social capital, democratic planning)
3. Cultural resources: heritage sites; archaeological relics; historic buildings
4. Environmental systems: (ecology/species protection/pollution/food production)
*5. Economic and regional development: economic development, regional instability, relationships with other countries
*6. Reconstruction Principles (e.g., "reconstruction priorities should be determined by the people living in Iraq")
****Topics with stars need an organizer! You also can help with any of the unstarred topics. Finally, let us know if you would like to take on a topic not listed. If you decide to help us, we will send you fact sheet guidelines.
Please email any questions to Sarah at cedforpeace at
Related Link: Students for Peace and Social Justice
For more information contact:
Annie Decker Students for Peace and Social Justice
Berkeley CA U.S.
Email: adecker at Web: s.html
_______________________________ It's not un-American to think that war -- except in self-defense -- is a failure of moral imagination, political nerve, and diplomatic skill. ---Bill Moyers; 2/28/03
Troops breed wars like roads breed traffic --Thiago Opperman, 3/18/03