"You just want our oil," one said to me tonight. "Get rid of Saddam, fine. Then leave."
I said that ain't gonna happen, esp with Cheney and Halliburton waiting in the wings.
He shook his head. "Republican Guards are tougher than you think. They're very bad but they can fight." He looked up to the TV (which was on Fox News, of all nets) and saw US planes leaving aircraft carriers for bombing runs. "I don't know," he finally said, shrugging his shoulders. He seemed dejected.
"What about the Shi'as and the Kurds?" I asked.
"Shi'as are very bad," he replied instantly. "Kurds are better. They just want to be left alone."
I wanted to apologize for Americans being so fucking stupid about this, but it seemed pointless. What could I tell this guy who fled Saddam's tyranny and is watching the US working to take over his country?
I paid for my beer. He smiled. "Thanks for asking, buddy." I smiled back, then left.