Assad: Syria fears becoming next

Steven mailinglist at
Fri Mar 28 11:49:51 PST 2003

Syrian President Bashar Assad was quoted in the Lebanese newspaper As-Safir Thursday as hinting that Syria expects to be the next target of coalition forces.

"We will not wait until we become the next target," Assad was quoted as saying, adding that the attack on Iraq is aimed at other countries as well.

Assad also called on other Arab nations to oppose the coalition forces and called Israel a threat to Syria, Israel Radio reported.

As long as the state of Israel exists, Assad was quoted as saying, Syria remains threatened. He also said there's no chance that U.S. President George W. Bush's road map would put an end to the Palestinian intifada.


Today, Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld responded by saying Syria is providing military equipment to Iraq and U.S. considers this a hostile act.

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