I think the odds that Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz, and their friends on the NSC staff are toast have just crossed 50-50...
Brad DeLong
>>From: "Carl Remick" <carlremick at hotmail.com>
>>... As Fran Leibowitz once noted, it's not whether you win or lose,
>>it's how you lay the blame.
>[Financial Times:]
>... Insiders who have spoken with senior Pentagon officials,
>particularly the army top brass, said there was growing anger
>directed at Donald Rumsfeld, defence secretary, who, the officials
>say, dismissed their efforts to include heavier ground forces in the
>field before an invasion.
>Mr Rumsfeld has denied these accusations, insisting the war plan
>followed thorough consultation with senior uniformed officers. ...
>[NY Times editorial:]
>... Disturbingly, intelligence officials revealed that military
>planners and intelligence analysts had warned that the invasion
>would face stiff resistance from hard-core paramilitary units but
>had been ignored by the Pentagon's more optimistic leadership. ...