Leninism in 2003

Yoshie Furuhashi furuhashi.1 at osu.edu
Fri Mar 28 13:09:01 PST 2003

At 2:46 PM -0500 3/28/03, Doug Henwood wrote:
>So it seems to me that "Leninism" today is a floating signifier that
>can mean anything people want it to mean.

Christianity today is a floating signifier, in the sense that it can mean practically anything people want it to mean, ranging from the belief of the Rev. Lucius Walker (Cf. <http://www.ifconews.org/revbio.html>) to that of the Rev. Franklin Graham (Samaritan's Purse).

There is diversity in the Leninist tradition as well, but the range of different opinions in it is constrained by some political principles. Ask Leninists what position they took on the US war on Afghanistan, and you will hear all saying No to it. Ask Christians what Jesus would have done about the US war on Afghanistan and what he would do about the US war on Iraq, and you'll get a wide variety of contradictory responses. -- Yoshie

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