Wash. Post reportage

Yoshie Furuhashi furuhashi.1 at osu.edu
Fri Mar 28 17:24:50 PST 2003

At 5:15 PM +0000 3/28/03, Loupaulsen at attbi.com wrote:
>If you start talking about how I'm underestimating the Machiavellian
>cleverness of Rumsfeld and Wolfowitz, and that in reality this is ALL part of
>The Matrix, the troops were MEANT to get shot up in Nasiriyah by Fedayeen in
>order to bolster the fighting will of the US, everything is just scripted,
>etc., then you are sliding into the camp of the people who say that 9/11 was
>just a CIA plot, they could have stopped the planes easy but they didn't, etc.

That's a possible interpretation, but another possibility is that it's an expression of a desire not to see the morale of US and other leftists raised by fierce Iraqi resistance and Washington's political and military errors. -- Yoshie

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