But there was that great ass on Halle Berry.
At 8:26 PM -0500 3/29/03, Max B. Sawicky wrote:
>Story-wise, the son (as well as Billy Bob's relations) all have to
>disappear so that all they end up with is each other.
In other words, the film-maker wants to make an "anti-racist film," but he doesn't know how to do it, so he methodically "removes" all characters who actually or potentially present "problems" that complicate the lives of Hank and Leticia: Leticia's husband gets executed; Hank's son kills himself; Leticia's son gets killed by a hit-and-run; and Hank unceremoniously packs off his father to a nursing home, after he insults Leticia. The film's (poor) lesson for the scriptwriter: if anyone gets in the way of your plot, eliminate him. Kinda like the motto of the Bush junta. :-> -- Yoshie