> Happy May Day everyone!
> Can anyone suggest a URL for a May Day site that has a
> good history of May Day? I would like to share it
> with my colleagues.
* May Day on the Web is at <http://www.mayweek.ab.ca/>. It has various links to the kinds of things you may be looking for, with some historical information.
* The Daily Bleed tells the US story in a bouncy fashion. <http://www.eskimo.com/~recall/bleed/0501.htm>, and scroll down.
* I don't think -- or rather, I haven't found -- a good summary on the web of the story of how the European socialists helped to make the American May 1 campaigns a wider, international movement after 1889, but I summarised a part of Eric Hobsbawm's account of this narrative in my blog earlier today at <http://users.ox.ac.uk/~magd1368/weblog/blogger.html>, and scroll down only a little.