[lbo-talk] human rights abuses in Cuba...

Mike Ballard swillsqueal at yahoo.com.au
Fri May 2 22:26:33 PDT 2003

> Handing a major victory to the Bush
> administration, the judges said suspected
> al-Qaeda and Taleban fighters held at
> Guantanamo Bay were aliens outside US
> sovereign territory and were not protected by
> the US Constitution.

Last night the BBC ran a piece about Bush's speech. They noted that in a strict legal sense the war had not been declared over.

Doing so would necessitate the release of Iraqi POWs. Apparently, without an official declaration, the US can detain them indefinitely.

-- Shane

********************** Declared over?

But Shane, Doug, anybody......did Congress ever declare war on Iraq officially in the first place?

Mike B)

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