> [the pretenses are slipping away rapidly]
> <http://slate.msn.com/id/2082292/>
> Law and Order: Special Iraq Unit
> Six new ideas for bringing real security to Iraq.
> By David Plotz
> Posted Wednesday, April 30, 2003, at 9:54 AM PT
Slave-owners of 19th century America took it as a humanitarian imperative to rule those judged not yet ready to govern themselves, didn't they? I once read Adolph Reed say that the conceit that self-determination would be self-destructive for the subject populations was a major defense of apartheid in America.
The champions of the war promise an (eventual) advent of Middle East democracy by way of foreign occupation. The US military is the one true vanguard of freedom in the region, and must seize power with a transitional dictatorship of the democrats in order to liberate the Arab populace. Give up your sovereignty, and we will make you free.
-- Shane
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