On Sat, 3 May 2003 19:35:34 -0400 "Luke Weiger" <lweiger at umich.edu>
> > Bennett says that he sees no moral issues with his gambling.
> > Was he speaking exoterically or esoterically?
> >
> > Jim F.
> Bennett's not a neocon, and not all neocons (a label which really
> just means
> conservatives who happen to be Jewish) are Straussians.
Whose calling Bennett a neocon? And who BTW is asserting that neocons are just conservatives who happen to be Jewish? I would consider people like Jean Kirkpatrick or the late Pat Moynihan to be neocons, although they were not Jewish. Milton Friedman is Jewish but I would label him a libertarian conservative rather than a neocon. And some of the earliest of the necons like James Burnham were certainly not Jews, Burnham having been a rather uppercrust WASP.
And anyway Robert Locke does classify Bennett as being of the Straussian camp. http://www.frontpagemag.com/Articles/ReadArticle.asp?ID=1233
Jim F.
> -- Luke
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