[lbo-talk] Crawford protest

Marta Russell ap888 at lafn.org
Sun May 4 22:11:45 PDT 2003

The Waco Tribune-Herald reports: "Authorities arrested five protesters Saturday who were among a group of about 100 in Crawford attempting to demonstrate on the road leading to the Western White House. President [sic] Bush and Australian Prime Minister John Howard had spent Friday and Saturday in meetings and relaxing at the ranch. The group had traveled to Central Texas in a caravan of about 30 vehicles after an Austin rally protesting the policies of the Bush administration. The group was a conglomeration of several smaller groups with disparate beefs with the federal government on issues from workers' rights to the environment. All, though, were set to protest the recent war in Iraq." http://www.wacotrib.com/news/newsfd/auto/feed/news/2003/05/04/1052025091.00303.7022.4002.html

-- Marta Russell Los Angeles, CA http://www.disweb.org

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