[lbo-talk] NYT: Making money off of worker mortality

Yoshie Furuhashi furuhashi.1 at osu.edu
Tue May 6 12:43:01 PDT 2003

At 5:53 AM -0400 5/6/03, Michael Pollak wrote:
>[Gad, this is getting more Dickensian by the week.]
>New York Times
>May 6, 2003
>House Considers Measure to Cut Billions in Pension Obligations

It's frustrating to see how well organized our enemies are, with a comprehensive political agenda covering just about everything from pension funds to the Pentagon.

>The provision, which has gone largely unnoticed in a broad pension
>bill, is being supported by the United Auto Workers...
>The United Auto Workers wrote a letter in support of the provision,
>according to people with ties to Congress, apparently in hopes that
>the money that companies saved from pensions could be used for
>higher wages.

That's incredibly dumb. Or criminal.

The chart titled "Dying Sooner, or Later?" at <http://www.nytimes.com/2003/05/06/business/06PENS.html> is a keeper; it graphically shows that "workers who are paid more and have bigger pensions live longer," whether or not they are blue-collar or white-collar. -- Yoshie

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