andie nachgeborenen wrote:
>Ummm, then read Sennett's The Hidden Injuries of Class, now 30 years
>old, but still recognizable. I think there's actually a lot to be
>learned from Fanshen, or even older stuff. I'm reading Thucydides
>now, and finding it very much on point. jks
>Doug Henwood <dhenwood at> wrote:
>Carrol Cox wrote:
>>I would suggest as a tonic here the chapters in _Fanshen_ in which
>>Hinton details the frustration felt by the CPC group in Longbow at their
>>inability to get any of the peasants to stand up in an open meeting and
>>give evidence of the injuries they had suffered.
>And how is that relevant to life in the United States in 2003?
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