In Thucydides, History of the Peloponnesian War, read too many years ago, chapter on a regiment of homosexual lovers that fought to the death. <URL: > I used to believe like Walt Whitman that "adhesive" love as he called it, could and would wear down the hetero-fascist death wish drive in st8 men. But, that book Doug has tried to make us read by Chris Hedges of The NYT (on my list) and another by another journalist that covered the Bosnian conflict, "My War Gone: How I Miss It So, " if memory serves, makes me feel that war and masculinity as mediated, of coarse, by the political economic factors that breed war, are going to be w/us for quite a while longer.
And, what of the macho militant romanticizing of the guerilla commandantes? We all still want to live like Che? And die like him too? Trying to foment a revo w/o a mass base? Michael Pugliese
Michael Pugliese