> Unfortunately The Simpsons has been crap these last couple
> of seasons....They used to be much more subversive--
It's hard to maintain a high level of quality -- or subversiveness -- over a decade or more. A single premise can only go so far. But given that, I'm still impressed with "The Simpsons"; it's not as good as it used to be, true, but there remain some pretty funny jokes. So long as the likes of George Meyer are involved, you'll get some decent, at times brilliant, material.
> Did ya happen to catch the Hitler movie today? What did ya
> think?
The CBS movie? Didn't see it. I do, however, want to see "Max," which stars John Cusack as a Jewish art dealer who befriends a young and bitter Hitler in 1918 Munich. Seems that one goes far deeper than the CBS movie, and to my surprise, none other than Sidney Blumenthal is one of the producers.