[lbo-talk] Re: invasion of the body counters

Bill Bartlett billbartlett at enterprize.net.au
Fri May 30 19:58:30 PDT 2003

At 1:14 PM -0400 30/5/03, Chris Doss wrote:

>The objectives of such a plan would be disintegration of the political and social institutions, of culture, language, national feelings, religion, and the economic existence of national groups, and the destruction of the personal security, liberty, health, dignity, and even the lives of the individuals belonging to such groups . .
>This is silly. This means that outlawing a group's language is "genocide."

Cultural genocide, if intentional. This is a cunning form of genocide, it eliminated a group not by eliminating all the individuals, but by eliminating the distinctiveness of the group. This happens naturally, but when it is done purposefully, with the intention of eliminating the cultural distinctiveness of a group, it is genocide.

For example, we have already established that the distinctiveness of the Jewish people is entirely based on their customs. If we seek to eliminate their distinctiveness, or completely eliminating all record and memory of the Hebrew language which is essential for the practise and understanding of those customs, would that not be regarded by Jews as genocide?

Bill Bartlett Bracknell Tas

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