>I think the answer is: much greater than appears in the economic numbers,
What's better evidence then?
>which, judged from the vantage point of Peru, Malaysia, Ghana, etc, are
>quite large anyhow.
>Personally, I am convinced that the biggest contribution of undemocratic and
>inegalitarian maldevelopment (i.e., U.S. imposed normalcy) in the Third
>World is the suppression of "the threat of a good example." If the Third
>World were allowed, as Luke Weiger seems to think it is, to produce robust
>social democracies, how long would G7 (Russia doesn't count) privileges and
>advantages last?
I don't know. How long do you think, and why?
I've always agreed with Michael's position here, but if I were pressed hard to make the case, I'm not sure how easy it would be. Which is why I'm pressing so hard on others, I guess.