Doug Henwood dhenwood at panix.com
Mon Nov 3 12:03:47 PST 2003

Michael Dawson -PSU wrote:

>A: In the partially declassified records of the U.S. government, and in the
>vast secret records of the TNCs and their think-tanks/trade associations.
>Why did the U.S. endorse the Venezuelan coup last year? Not very hard to
>figure out, and undoubtedly mirrored and encouraged by the petro-corps'
>boardrooms/think tanks/industry groups.
> If one is going to say Third World dependency is minor stuff, then one
>has to ignore actual history, which is exactly what mainstream economists
>(and others) do. Iran/Seven Sisters, Chile/Anaconda Coper, Guatemala/United
>Fruit, etc. More generally, there is not one single example of the U.S.
>Chamber of Commerce or the NAM doing anything but calling for Third World
>repression, anywhere and everywhere. They do so because they are indeed
>deathly afraid of good examples. And let's not forget that literally all
>post-WWII U.S. foreign policy makers have been corporate whores working from
>within the revolving door.

1) Venezuela produces oil, and is very close to the U.S. It's not a very poor country, either.

2) Natural resources aren't as central to economic life as they used to be. There are many sources for most, and most are in oversupply.

3) On a lot of these issues, the state takes the lead. As far as I know, the oil industry was not enthusiastically behind the war on Iraq, for example.


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