>For that matter, the only reason we landed on Africa is because you know
>it's got the smallest ties to U.S. economic statistics. Is Mexico's poverty
>vital to American business elites? That's a rather more pungent problem for
>you, isn't it?
In the official taxonomy, Mexico is an upper-middle-income country. Its per capita income is about six times that of sub-Saharan Africa on a PPP basis. Sure there are many of poor Mexicans, but Mexico's social indicators are scads better than Africa's - e.g., life expectancy of 72 years vs. 47 years. Mexico is within the circuits of global trade and capital flows - Africa is mostly excluded. Mexico has seen the creation of an industrial proletariat; Africa hasn't. So Mexico is unquestionably part of the chain of value creation, while Africa barely counts. Which is why Mexico is richer than Africa.