[lbo-talk] Re: Anybody But Bush for Empire

Thomas Seay entheogens at yahoo.com
Fri Nov 14 14:03:42 PST 2003

--- Doug Henwood <dhenwood at panix.com> wrote:
> Yoshie Furuhashi wrote:
> >Besides, as Ted argues, both arguments can't be
> true at the same time:
> >the multitude are ready to "take it over" and the
> multitude must vote
> >for Anybody But Bush ("or else"). If the multitude
> were ready to "take
> >it over," why bother electing a Democrat?
> You've always struck me as very smart. Why do you
> refuse to think
> about two things at once?

EXACTLY!!!! It would be wrong to view voting for the Democratic Party as a strategy; however, as a tactic, as a chance to pick the lesser of two evils, I think it is valid.

It's important to take stock of where we are (at least in this country). The globalization movement, whose slogans have been criticized here today, is probably the most mobilized revolutionary subject in this country...and what are the numbers? Is it enough to take power? Of course not. That is not to belittle its accomplishments; it's just a reality check.

And what about the Leninists who do little more than go to demonstrations and shout out brave statements? Go ahead, scream out, "To the Winter Palace", and when you look behind you, you will find only a few burn-outs from 1968 coupled with a few snot-nosed kids from dysfunctional families looking for a good father/mother. What a crew! I am sure that the spectacle makes the bourgeoisie shake in their boots.

In any case, wasn't it Engels (or perhaps Lenin) who wrote on the need to be "well shod on all fours", meaning that there had to be multiple and diverse forms of struggle?

The point isn't that people should have illusions about the amount that can be accomplished at the ballot box. I dont think a lot can be accomplished; and in any case other forms of struggle should be primary....but, I do think that it would be ridiculous to argue that the group in power is not particularly dangerous. They are...and so, I will vote this time AGAINST them.


===== <<You and me baby ain't nothin' but mammals So let's do it like they do it on the Discovery Channel>>

Bloodhound Gang, "The Bad Touch"

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