[lbo-talk] re: AI

Eubulides paraconsistent at comcast.net
Wed Nov 19 16:09:32 PST 2003

----- Original Message ----- From: "Luke Weiger" <lweiger at umich.edu>

> Justin wrote:
> > More Rorty, in my case. I'm not a utilitarian.
> Yes, no matter what one's metaethical and normative commitments are, it
> seems clear that entities without interests (i.e. at least vaguely
> human-like desires, pleasures, and pains) aren't proper objects of
> concern.
> -- Luke


The above is a textbook example of why an object ontology is inadequate for a theory of norms that must account for entities/interests embedded in/adapted to entities/systems that don't have said interests. What good, for instance does thinking about the well being of animals, in the terms above, accomplish without thinking of the air and water they need. One need not subscribe to deep ecology to see something rather limited with the instrumental rationality that flows from an object ontology that makes interests central to a normative theory. If we can have an ecological aesthetics serve as a motivator for demanding policies that deal with global warming, clean water and the like, we can have a cyborg aesthetics that makes the epistemic/ontic issues of whether strong AI is a realizable research program moot.

Mon key see and mon key do Ma king ba bies, ea ting food Smel ly things, pu bic hair Words of lo ve, in the air Sparks fly, shoo ting out Ma king sure that eve ry thing is wor king I can't turn you down We are pro grammed hap py lit tle chil dren Mat ter o ver mind We can not re sis so I won't fight it Love is a ma chine Love is a ma chine without a dri ver The facts of life The facts of life A masterpiece Biology Smokey water Air conditioned Boys 'n' girls And automation Chromosomes Designer jeans Chimpanzees And human beings Machines of love Machines of love Strong in body, strong in mind A love machine with the facts of life The facts of life The facts of life So much sex 'n' violence Must be a bad design We're stupid to be fighting Every night The monsters we create They welcome us aboard The best in advertising
> From coast to coast
The girls and boys combine Like monkeys in the zoo The clouds have silver linings Looks pretty good People fall in love like in fairy tales I'm not sure I like, what they can do I'm afraid that God has no master plan He only takes -- what he can use Factory life, ice cream & pie Factory life Someday we'll live on Venus And men will walk on Mars But we will still be monkeys Down deep inside If chimpanzees are smart Then we will close our eyes And let our instincts guide us Oh oh oh oh no

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