[lbo-talk] retailworker.org, Borders Books union, Whole Foods, more

Lance Murdoch lbotalk at lancemurdoch.org
Mon Sep 1 13:03:52 PDT 2003

On Sun, 31 Aug 2003, Retail Worker wrote:

> Employees of the 13th Borders Books store to have a
> union election in the last seven years voted against
> union representation by UFCW Local 1546 on August
> 22nd. Several NLRB complaints were pending before the
> election, and more have been filed since, and although
> that is the typical union strategy in failed
> campaigns, this is one is far from over, according to
> store employees, as serious violations of the NLRA
> occurred.
> The Borders stores in Minneapolis and Ann Arbor are in
> the final stages of contract negotiations, and as in
> the past, Borders has given no ground to the employee
> contract proposals.
> http://www.bordersunion.org

Yes, there was a nationwide rally in front of Borders bookstores around the country a few weeks ago, I was at one in New York...the reception from the public (and Borders workers) was more supportive than I would have thought.

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