[lbo-talk] Reverence for nature

Curtiss_Leung at ibi.com Curtiss_Leung at ibi.com
Fri Sep 5 11:31:37 PDT 2003

You mean nature as in the Greek "Physis?" (or phusis, if you like your upsilons to stay that way)

http://www.perseus.tufts.edu/cgi-bin/ptext?doc=Perseus%3Atext%3A1999.04.0057 %3Aentry%3D%23112721

See especially definitions III and IV.

All this reminds me of the "childhood was invented in the 19th century" trope (meme?), which I understand was finally smothered by some massive dull tome assembled from serious historical research out recently from some prestigious university press.

> Precisely as Joanna says. And with the Old Testament is exactly the place
> from whence this discussion sprang. Perception of "nature" as being a
> from which humans could distinguish themselves from, and dominate for that
> matter, obviously existed for the people who wrote the Book of Genesis.
> When I think "modernity" the Old Testament is not something that leaps to
> mind.

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