[lbo-talk] Nature fetish vs reverence for nature

Maria Gilmore mgilmore at bigzoo.net
Sat Sep 6 09:34:10 PDT 2003

Just responding to a statement I knew to be false, the flat out assertion that "Reverence for nature is a 'modern' concept." Not even to Europeans. Because of its' roots, even pre-Xiananity, European culture developed a nature fetish, as someone pointed out. This is not at all the same as reverance/respect.

----- Original Message ----- From: "Chris Doss" <itschris13 at hotmail.com>
> >From: "Maria Gilmore" <mgilmore at bigzoo.net>
> >Excuse me? Are you familiar with traditional indigenous cultures such as
> >those of North America, and elsewhere too?
> ---
> Not terribly well. I was thinking of the Greeks and Medievals, and the
> Chinese. The context was Martin Luther, after all.
> I always liked Martin when I read him. Very acerbic. A Kierkegaard figure.

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