Marx, Brenner, Technology (Was Re: [lbo-talk] preferences)

Chuck0 chuck at
Wed Sep 17 08:25:59 PDT 2003

andie nachgeborenen wrote:

> Moore argues that the effect on social wealth would be
> drastic enough that society would not be able to be
> productive enough to maintain socialism. That would be
> a problem with Chuck's idea -- a primitive society
> based on isolated communities at a low level of
> technical development would probably have private
> property, though not capiatlist markets -- a
> subsistance society of petty producers.

Sorry, but I'm not advocating a subsistence society. Even after a dramatic social change, we would still have a huge amout of current technology around.

On the other hand, the efforts to associate me with wanting a return to a primitive society evidence plenty of Western bias against subsistence societies as being bad.


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