I wouldn't say so. I'd say the main problem with 20th Century Third World Revolution was the United States. The fact is that central planning does fabulously at the level of development that Third World countries are at -- much better than more or lesds free market capitalism. The successful capitalist nations that made it up from 3d world status -- Korea, Taiwan, Singapore, Homg Kong (treated as nation) -- all followed the classic Bismarkian route of heavy planning and protectionism, not free trade. And when the issue of comparison arises with putting food on the table, educating people, eradicating disease, and extending life expectancy, the 3d world Stalinist nations beat the capitalist colonies in a walk by five hundred miles. There was Cambodoa, but that was an outlier -- if the commies get stuckw ith that, the capitalists get stuck with Mobutu's Zaire, idi Amin's Uganda, etc. As indeed they should.
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