> You should send this to the list.
From: Michael Pugliese <debsian at pacbell.net> http://www.overthrow.com/lsn/news.asp?articleID=6006 Bill White is a well known neo-nazi, supporter of the late William Pierce' National Alliance.
If I was a lawyer, I'd vet some stranger by at least googling before I eat dinner w/ them. Or is just mouthing any damn anti-establishment msg. enough? How many know that the KPD and NSDAP in 1932 led togeher a transport workers strike against those "social fascist" SPD's?
-- Michael Pugliese, oh 'ya I killed Rosa Luxemburg 'cuz I supported the NAM merger w/ DSOC as the August 7th caucus of NAM chanted at the last NAM convention...