C Redmond wrote:
"I find it especially interesting that the information culture, that alleged icon of unfettered capitalism, is saturated with information socialisms which operate very much like the above -- open source, copyleft, the 3D videogames, etc. Neil Manke's Half Life mods, for example, are astounding works of art, but created by a non-commercial group of coders and gamers. It's not the hegemonic tendency, but there's a creeping Parecon-ization at work in the information commons."
So PareCon is the process of turning everybody in society into a geek with a job and hoping they'll invent the future? Why didn't anybody tell me? I think we may become a bit overweighted in the department of Dungeons and Dragons conventions and life-size "Seven Of Nine" dolls, but okay, I can live with that.
p.s. - Sorry, I sent two emails to the list meant to be off-list before.