[lbo-talk] Re: Buddhist-Nazi Connection

Alexander Nekvasil a8504902 at unet.univie.ac.at
Thu Sep 25 13:34:37 PDT 2003

BklynMagus <magcomm at ix.netcom.com> writes:

> Dear List:
> Alexander Nekvasil wrote:
> > I don't know much, neither, but I do know that
> > Tibetan buddhism was a big inspiration for the SS
> > (which saw itself as an order, of course.)
> This URL might help clafrify the matter:
> http://www.berzinarchives.com/kalachakra/nazi_connection_shambhala_tibet.html

I think the SS saw itself, in a distant future after the heavy lifting (achieving world domination and stuff) as a pseudo-theocratic order living just like the lamas, complete with serfs to provide for the necessities of life.

That's of course nothing specifically buddhist, but the case in question was not buddhism per se, but how leftists see or should see the Dalai Lama. I opt for seeing him as a feudal lord in exile, with as much claim on my sympathy as a Russian ex-grandduke, or Batista's nephew. They've had their day. And Richard Gere shall meditate with whomever he pleases.

cheers AN

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