From: Miles Jackson <cqmv@pdx.edu><BR>
> > CB: Yes, but, but for the scientific refutations, how would we know that<BR>
> > race is an invalid biological concept ?<BR>
There are many bases for the certainty of claims; science is only<BR>
one of those bases, even in an industrialized society like the U.S.<BR>
There is absolutely no scientific evidence that supports the<BR>
claim that angels exist, but about 75% of adults in our society<BR>
are certain they exist! Tradition, family, mass media, peer<BR>
pressure all play significant roles in the social production<BR>
of certainties like (for many Americans) race, homosexuality,<BR>
and angels (to cite a strange trilogy).<BR>
All I'm saying is this: there are many ways to skin the<BR>
ideological cat. Science is one possible tool. But as the<BR>
example of angels demonstrates, people can believe anything<BR>
with certainty, as long as the idea is represented as an<BR>
obvious certainty in a network of ongoing social relations.<BR>
--And so with racial categories or the lack thereof.<BR>
</FONT><FONT COLOR="#000000" style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffffff" SIZE=2 FAMILY="SANSSERIF" FACE="Arial" LANG="0">^^^^^^^^<BR>
CB: Actually , I am not disagreeing with you that scientific arguments are not _sufficient_ to dissuade many people from racist thinking. I am disagreeing with you that scientific arguments are not _necessary_ for winning the overall battle. As it turns out I use "necessary" and "sufficient" in the strict logical sense here. Scientific refutations are necessary but not enough in themselves. <BR>
More specifically , I am thinking that a core group of anti-racists in the overall struggle against racism are Marxists and other leftists who do accept science as a privileged method for truth and certainty finding and belief formation. In other words, I am not saying that biological arguments are the only way to skin the ideological cat on racism. However , they are a critical way for those with a materalist world outlook, and those with a materialist or scientific world outlook are an important minority sector of the potential anti-racist majority. Those with a materialist world outlook are not confined to making only biological arguments, but can use several methods in combination in efforts to persuade others. <BR>
Of course, the groups who are victims of racism don't need to be persuaded much. So, they constitute another core group.</FONT><FONT COLOR="#000000" style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffffff" SIZE=2 FAMILY="SANSSERIF" FACE="Arial" LANG="0"><BR>