<DIV>The Karl Rove Diaries<BR><BR>By Arianna Huffington<BR><BR>Ever since Sen. Bob Graham announced that he was running for president,<BR>the media have been having a field day mocking his quirky habit of keeping<BR>a meticulous log of his every waking moment. (Since 1977, he's filled some<BR>4,000 2-by-3 inch notebooks with the daily details of his life, including<BR>where he slept, what he ate, whom he met, and what he wore.) Some have<BR>labeled Graham's practice a disturbing fetish; others have praised it as a<BR>sign of extreme self-discipline. Still others wonder whether it was<BR>necessary for so many trees to make the ultimate sacrifice just so that we<BR>might know that Sen. Graham wore khakis and had the grilled salmon at his<BR>12:47 lunch yesterday. <BR><BR>Unfortunately, Graham's chronicle makes for disappointingly dull reading.<BR>His entries, while scrupulous, are strangely detached ("8:40... bedroom,<BR>bathroom -- change to blue shorts -- apply scalp medication") and
offer<BR>little useful insight into either Bob Graham the man or how America is<BR>governed. <BR><BR>How much better it would be if we had an obsessively detailed running log<BR>of the daily activities of Karl Rove -- the man his biographer dubbed "the<BR>most powerful unelected person in America." Now that would be a diary<BR>worth poring over. The devil, after all, is in the details and Rove's<BR>details would surely reveal his true nature. <BR><BR>It might go something like this: <BR><BR>Log 6.9.03 (Monday) <BR><BR>5:05 Awake. Castigate self for sleeping in. Remove snooze bar from clock<BR>radio with pliers. <BR><BR>5:05 - 5:15 Bathroom -- Brush teeth, massage gums, trim nose hairs.<BR>Practice affable grin (in mirror). <BR><BR>5:15 Exchange customary morning greeting with Darby: "Good Morning, Mr.<BR>Co-President," "Good Morning, Mrs. Co-First Lady." <BR><BR>5:17 Kiss Darby (cheek). <BR><BR>5:18 Start to get dressed. Hesitate over underwear drawer. Boxers or<BR>briefs?
<BR><BR>5:19 Call Frank Luntz to ask him to run quick Insta-poll. Luntz asleep.<BR>Not fully "on board?" <BR><BR>5:25 Crunch numbers (they come back indecisive). <BR><BR>5:26 Decide to "go commando." It's more "on message:" all about<BR>"liberation." <BR><BR>5:35-6:35 Kitchen -- b'fast: Waffles (syrup), Lucky Charms w/milk (2<BR>percent), coffee (black), Metamucil (Orange). <BR><BR>-- Skim sampling of fair and balanced news coverage: Washington Times,<BR>FreeRepublic.com, Wall Street Journal editorial page, Weekly Standard,<BR>Newsmax.com, Fox News (Remember to send Ailes another gift basket for war<BR>coverage). <BR><BR>6:50-6:55 Walk to car, enter car, close car door, fasten seatbelt, adjust<BR>rear view mirror. Realize I've forgotten keys. Use family-friendly<BR>exclamation "Darn!" Undo seatbelt, exit car, walk back to house, locate<BR>keys. Repeat initial car entry. Then repeat again (just to be safe). <BR><BR>6:55 - 7:12 -- Drive to work. Listen to Dobson's "Focus on the
Family."<BR>Notice that he hits talking points word for word. Smile w/satisfaction.<BR>Switch to lesbian strippers on Stern (guilty pleasure). <BR><BR>7:13 (LATE!!!) -- 8:00: -- Staff meeting in WWO (West Wing Office) <BR><BR>-- answer emails and excoriate low-level aide for no good reason while<BR>meeting w/Dan Bartlett and Margaret Spellings to discuss best way to<BR>counter negative fallout from child tax credit decision: Senate plan?<BR>House plan? Invade Syria? <BR><BR>8:03-8:05 -- Exchange pleasantries in hallway w/A. Card. Utilize<BR>affable-but-disarmingly distant smile. Note Card has switched aftershave<BR>(sign that he's looking for private sector job?)<BR><BR>8:06 - 8:07. Walk to Oval Office (feel the awe and fear of those I pass).<BR><BR>8:08-8:48 Oval Office <BR><BR>-- meet w/W, discuss next phase in "Operation Landslide": W scuba diving<BR>to submerged submarine to meet with Navy SEALS. Secret Service opposed<BR>(still fail to grasp political realities). <BR><BR>--
undermine A. Card (too easy!) Mention aftershave change. <BR><BR>8:48-8:53 Stay behind to talk to W about nickname problem: stress<BR>overwhelming preference for "Boy Genius" over "Turd Blossom." <BR><BR>8:54 - 8:55 Walk back to West Wing (feel chafing; regret earlier choice re<BR>underwear). <BR><BR>8:56 Call Darby, ask her to bring over boxers (the ones with American<BR>flags). <BR><BR>9:14 - 9:16 Call Ari Fleischer. Tell him to blackball next reporter who<BR>asks about lack of Iraqi WMD. <BR><BR>9:17 - 9:47 Meet w/lobbyist for tobacco industry. Swap war stories from my<BR>Philip Morris days. Smoke two Marlboro Reds (old time's sake). <BR><BR>9:51 Suddenly not sure which to be today: fox or hedgehog. <BR><BR>9:52 Realize I can be both (hell, I'm Karl Rove). Feel the majesty. <BR><BR>9:55- 10:55 Leave screaming, over-the-top phone message for author James<BR>Moore -- (show him how 'Bush's Brain" really works!) <BR><BR>10:56 Take high-blood pressure medicine and lozenge for sore
throat<BR>(cherry). <BR><BR>12:10 -- 1:00 Working lunch (salmon, garlic mash potatoes, iced tea). Map<BR>out entire day-to-day strategy for 2006 mid-term races (early prediction:<BR>barring blowback from '04 invasion of Syria/Iran/Pakistan, we gain 5 seats<BR>in Senate and 12 in House with demonization of unpatriotic treasonous<BR>Democrats). <BR><BR>2:15 Show John McCain what war is really like: spread vicious rumor about<BR>him. Black lovechild arrested for Al-Qaeda ties. <BR><BR>2:17: Watch McCain rumor being disseminated on Fox. <BR><BR>3:05 Have fleeting, unprovoked sympathetic thought about old benefactor<BR>Ken Lay. <BR><BR>3:06 Banish thought forever. <BR><BR>5:01 -- 7:30 attend RNC fundraiser. Mingle. Accept praise and adulation.<BR>Also checks. (Overuse affable smile?) Wonder if I am officially a rock<BR>star now (Yes!) <BR><BR>7:35 -- 8:00 Drive home. Listen to books on tape recording of "Slander"<BR>(make joke to self re Coulter being our hottest WMD). <BR><BR>8:01 Walk
from driveway to house. Open front door. Karl Rove's front door.<BR><BR>9:28 - 10:15 Watch TIVOed replay of "American Idol" final. Smile to self<BR>for engineering Ruben's win. <BR><BR>11:07 Shower + dress for sleep (blue striped PJs). <BR><BR>-- Draft tomorrow's "to do" list: Give grief. Make threats. Impugn<BR>patriotism. Intimidate media. Pursue bait and switch policies. Strong-arm<BR>donors. Manipulate. Plot. Connive. Pick up dry cleaning. <BR><BR>12:05 Kiss Darby goodnight (lips, but no tongue). <BR><BR>12:06 Asleep. Dream that I'm the most powerful unelected person in<BR>American history (Oh wait, I am!).<BR><BR>-----<BR><BR>Arianna Huffington is the author of "Pigs at the Trough: How<BR>Corporate Greed and Political Corruption are Undermining<BR>America." For information on the book, visit<BR>www.PigsAtTheTrough.com<BR><BR>If you have questions or comments, contact Arianna at<BR><A target=_top
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