You might as well say that the government, beinga legal fiction, can't receive taxes. Corporations have to pay taxes, unless their accountants can find exemptions. Likewise trusts, also legal fictions, have to pay taxes too.
> and that some real humans ultimately bear the cost,
> be they
> customers, shareholders, or workers.
Depends on accountancy and corporate policy -- some of the cost is imposed on the shareholders, who also legal fictions, since they own shares ofa fiction, some on consumers if the taxes are passed alomg in terms of prices, etc. There is no rule about it -- I don't know whether you could tell in the end through the fog of accountancy.
Like I also
> said, I found the
> CBO's half capital/half labor compromise intuitively
> appealing. Given
> the ambiguity, though, I'd rather rely on taxing
> rich people, who
> can't play games with transfer pricing or move their
> HQ to the Cayman
> Islands.
You mean raising the income tax on the upper brackets? Despite being in them I'd favor it, but there are reasons that major corps operate in places whether the tax authorities can raech them. In the palmy social democratic days of Eisenhower administration, there was a steep corporate income tax, and revenues from that comprised a healthy share of the federal budget.
Of course we Eisenhower Republicans are all communists now, and living in fantasy land. I was just hearing on NPR about how the country can't afford retirememt and health care for the boomers, we we are going to have to take care ourselves or die in our neglected apartments alone, probably the latter.
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