> Jeff Melton, a Green Party and Solidarity member and a Green candidate
> in Indiana's 9th district <http://www.meltonforcongress.org/>, writes:
> "That there was much more interest among Democrats in scapegoating
> Nader for the outcome of the 2000 election than in seriously
> challenging Bush's theft of it is [a] telltale sign that the
> Democrats' chief concern is not that a third party like the Greens
> would 'spoil' their candidates, but that a third party in conjunction
> with a strong mass movement would challenge the two-party duopoly and
> the rule of the corporate elite that both parties support. This is
> also suggested by the fact that the Democrats' efforts to stop a Green
> from getting elected mayor of San Francisco, where there WAS NO
> REPUBLICAN CANDIDATE, were just as strenuous as their efforts
> elsewhere"
One reason the Greens are worse than useless, that they are actually a backward step for the left, is that they find stupid fucking idiots like this Melton guy and run him for office--not for dogcatcher, mind you, but for a congressional seat.
So, what's the evidence this guy is a stupid fucking idiot? That he thinks the Democrats trying to win an election against a Green is proof that they're in collusion with the Republicans.
My new Green Party theme song: "I'm a loser, baby, why don't you kill me?"
Or maybe "Poor little greenie",
John A