[lbo-talk] Paul Felton: Open Letter to Progressive Democrats

John Adams jadams01 at sprynet.com
Tue Apr 6 05:25:23 PDT 2004

On Tuesday, April 6, 2004, at 08:02 AM, Yoshie Furuhashi wrote:

> The point is not that the Democrats are "in collusion with the
> Republicans" but that the Democratic Party establishment's chief
> concern is that "a third party in conjunction with a strong mass
> movement would challenge the two-party duopoly," shown by the fact
> that the Democratic Party establishment did much more to defeat Green
> Matt Gonzalez (who was supported by a large number of progressive
> rank-and-file Democratic voters and even progressive local Democratic
> officials like District 9 Supervisor Tom Ammiano) in the SF mayoral
> election than Republican candidates in other local elections.

Oh, my goodness--they ran harder in a bigger election than a smaller election? Those fucking Democrats--what will they think of next? Bastards! And they ran that campaign against a party that's out to kill them--shameful! The Democrats aren't following the script--they're the ones who are supposed to lie down and die, not Gonzalez. What are they thinking?!?

It's this sort of ditzy analysis that builds a strong movement for Left Loserism: "All the fun of opposition, and no risk of ever holding power."

Loserism sucks,

John A

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