The French Betrayal of America by KENNETH TIMMERMAN (Author) Just out. Crown Forum; (March 16, 2004)>...Timmerman, who worked as a journalist in France for eighteen years and knows the players on both sides, lifts the veil of Jacques Chirac's scandalous love affair with Saddam Hussein, beginning in 1975, when he took him on a tour of top-secret French nuclear facilities. The French attitude toward the dictator, which seemed to baffle American politicians, was in fact entirely predictable. Put bluntly, it was all about money, oil, and guns. Chirac needed Saddam's oil and Saddam's money, and Saddam needed French weapons and French nuclear technology.
Commentary:Saddam-Chirac:A 30-year liaison By Hussain Hindawi and John R. Thomson United Press International Iraqi govt. papers: Saddam bribed Chirac
Hating America : The New World Sport by John Gibson (Author) Also just released. (Former MSNBC, now Fox News ranter)
Michael Pugliese