That crabby intervention out of the way, it's hard to see you flaying people who really do not disagree with you, and actually making them out to have stated things they did not. I feel a Teresa Heinz-Kerry moment coming on...
I think it bears repeating, that if activists for sexual self-determination want the backing of and alliances with those activists now focused on living-wage issues, medical care for those who need it, anti-war work, etc., they need to be willing to give to get too. But traditionally such activists have shown little interest in such broader issues, or they haven't been good about acting on such interest. The people who can't make enough to live on or to see a doc when they're sick don't seem to be the same people deprived of advertising high-end sex toys in AL.
It's REALLY hard to enjoy one's self-determined sexuality when you're hungry or sick, whether you've got those fancy butt plugs or not.
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