> I'm just worried about the collapse of left publishing after a Kerry
> victory in November. There is a rash of new anti-Bush books coming
> out, which would go straight to the remainder bin with a Kerry
> victory.
I don 't quite understand you here. If "Left publishing" means "anti-Bush books," of course they will not sell after November, but neither will pro-Bush books. But "Left publishing" in general, aside from anti-Bush propaganda, will probably continue about the same. It should even increase, if we can keep the interest in political controversy that has been stimulated the last four years alive.
Jon Johanning // jjohanning at igc.org __________________________________ A gentleman haranguing on the perfection of our law, and that it was equally open to the poor and the rich, was answered by another, 'So is the London Tavern.' -- "Tom Paine's Jests..." (1794); also attr. to John Horne Tooke (1736-1812) by Hazlitt