KPFA is seeking Candidates for its LOCAL STATION BOARD
Help Us Sustain our newly won Media Democracy
Under Pacifica's new bylaws, listener-subscribers will elect nine board members. To vote or to run, you must have volunteered or donated at least $25 during the current one-year period ending August 31, 2004. There is still time to subscribe.
The Nomination Process has Begun
We need a diverse group of hard-working KPFA supporters to fill those nine seats! If you would like to run, or know someone else who may want to, come to our Kickoff Meeting at
The Unitarian Universalist Fellowship Hall 1924 Cedar at Bonita in Berkeley at 7:30 pm, Monday, August 30
Meet other listeners and people on the Board as well as our new Election Supervisor.
Candidate application forms must be received by September 25th.
To find out more, call 510-848-6767, ext. 626. Or, email: election at
For further information or to download candidate forms, go to